Our custom services

Our goal is to provide ready-to-market container products fine-tuned for our customers’ needs.

What we do

We provide sample product packages that serve as a starting point that can be adapted to fit specific location, service and business needs. Urban Family offers different sizes and designs focusing on street food vending stalls, bars and other professional service venues.

How we do it

Our unique approach begins with understanding your goals and preparing a best-fit solution for your service and location. While high quality delivery is a priority for us, sustainability and scalability of our venues is also in focus.

Offered services

Our services are structured to cover the container design, production, fine-tuning process and delivery, while offering trainings to support our customers preparing for product launch.


We offer new and used containers structured for food and drink vending. We also provide our partners with interior furnishing and kitchen technology installation.

Kitchen technology

Based on our customers' business needs, market and location, we provide and install tailor fit kitchen technology guaranteed to scalably serve long term business targets.

Custom Design

Each container is custom designed to meet local requirements and customer expectations. We offer sample container designs ready to be customized upon request.


Our staff trainings are aimed to ensure technological safety and long-term sustainability of the containers.

Menu development

To service streetfood or container bar operations, choose our menu development service. This option can also be paired with general operations trainings to achieve service excellence.


We are ready to ship our containers internationally, so our customers can focus exclusively on the core tasks of implementation and launch.

Case Studies

Our sample products support our customers in developing new design layouts and service ideas.